My first blog post
So I've decided that along with this website, I am going to keep a blog. Like myself, this blog will probably be a little bonkers at times but I am going to try none of the less. Recently, I have been working on my final degree show which is beginning to become slightly stressful, but I am 100% certain that it will be worth it in the end. Along with the rest of my year, we are all busy trying to put together our show. My job, along with a few others, is to put together the catalogue for the show, which will be started on Tuesday. I am still continuing with my practice and I have a couple of pieces of work on the go at the same time, however as I have a gallery week from university this week I should get these works finished. With a group of friends, I recently went to the London Art Fair, which I will do a write up about soon, along with any other galleries I visit this week.